• Witamy

        • Nasza szkoła ponownie bierze udział w projekcie Erasmus+ dofinansowywanym ze  srodków unijnych, polegającym na wymianie doświadczeń między szkołami i nauczycielami z Polski, Irlandii, Grecji i Włoch. Tytuł projektu to: Promoting Awareness of Climate change through adopting and sharing smart practices within our school communities, locally and globally.


          W ramach współpracy, przez kolejne dwa lata, odbywać się będą wymiany nauczycielskie, a szkoła wraz z uczniami będzie realizować zadania projetowe. Niestety ze względu na pandemię i ograniczenia w podróżowaniu, realizacja projektu ogranicza się na razie do działań zdalnych, ale nie oznacza to, że nie mamy ze sobą kontaktu. Nauczyciele cyklicznie spotykają się online, a uczniowie mają szansę brać udział w kolejnych szkolnych i międzynarodowych konkursach na LOGO projektu, film promujący bycie eco-friendly, czy prezentację lub zdjęcia wspierające świadomość zmian klimatycznych zachodzących na świecie. Czekamy na powrót do normalności i odwiedziny nauczycieli ze szkół partnerskich, aby móc w pełni poczuć ducha międzynarodowej współpracy!


          Powrót do normalności! Nareszcie w szkole, już nie na zdalnych lekcjach i pełną parą realizujemy zadania projektu. Zobaczcie, co się u nas dzieje!

          Działania projektowe:



          Students from our school went to Łagiewniki Forest to explore the nature, learn about trees, insects and other important things about nature.

          OEE WORKSHOPS:

          Learing about rivers and other ecosystems, finding worms and bugs, learing about their lives - it all helps us to understand the planet Earth and the world surrounding us. 


          Taking the photos of nature lets us look at it from a closer perspective and see how art coresponds to nature and the other way around. We have organised a school competition. Here are some of the results.

          RECYCLING FUN:
          Making new things out of old, recycled matrials teaches us how to make the most of something that initially is not important any more. 


          Sport and being eco? No problem, just run and collect the rubish just like our students!


          NATURE ART

          Use leaves and nature around you to make beautiful art, just like students from Year 3.


          Not only recycling or upcycling can help the climate. Saving energy is also important. Sometimes it is good to save your own energy to have the power to recycle later on. Our students did some youga lessons which helped them save the energy and feel the natural self. This way they have learnt that taking it easy can make you notice the world surrounding you and understand the needs of the planet. Why don't you try it!

          HELLO SPRING

          We love our planet and the way the seasons work. Everytime Spring comes we play and have the school's Spring Day. This year was no different! All the students wore clothes to represent the colours of nature and Earth. They look amazing, don't they?


          Your tree can be eco this year. Our students made the Chrisymas decorations eco-friendly and climate safe! Check them out!


          This time all the partners met in the city of Łódź where we explored the city, learned about the differences in educational systems, visited primary school, high school and kindergarden. It was all very interesting and informative. Here are some of teh activities:


          Exploring the city was a nice way to learn about other countries.


          ECO PLAY

          Students form grade 3 and 2 prepared an eco-friednly play to present in front of the guests. It was funny and really informative. The older students helped to translate, so everyone gets the story. Good job students!



          To welcome the teachers in our school students and their parents prepared an eco and polish restaurant with home-made food. All the specialities were serverd by students in a restaurant fashion. Everyone was super excited!










    • Kontakty

      • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 164 w Łodzi
      • kontakt@sp164.elodz .edu.pl
      • (42) 686-39-76
      • Wróblewskiego 65 94-035 Łódź Poland
      • (42) 689-00-90
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